Ammar Aker is the Palestine Telecom Group CEO and a member of its Board of Directors. Notably, Paltel Group is the largest employer in the Palestinian private sector.
Prior to assuming his current position as Group CEO, he was the CEO of the Palestine Cellular Communications Co. Ltd., Jawwal, the first leading cellular operator in Palestine.
Mr. Aker is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VTEL Middle East and Africa (MEA). He is a member of the Board of the Palestine Development and Investment Company (PADICO Holding), the largest investment holding company in the country, in addition to his representation on the Board of Directors of some of its subsidiaries. He is also currently a member of the Board of Trustees for An-Najah National University.
Mr. Aker is an active Board member in a number of international, regional and local initiatives such as; Palestine for a New Beginning (PNB); The Palestine International Award for Excellence and Creativity; in addition to the Amideast Advisory Board in Palestine. He is also an active member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) Palestine Branch and the Palestinian Businessmen Association (PBA).
Mr. Aker holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and an MSc degree in Accounting from Kent State University, Ohio.